Wobbly Waves

I'm not much of a surfer. When it comes to hanging 10 I'm usually using the other 10 (fingers) to pull my boardies out of my bum crack after getting dumped yet again.  Mind you I haven't had a go at it for a while now, seeing it more as a younger person's game. As someone who has trouble standing on dry land I'd say balancing on a surf board while it careens toward shore powered by a wall of fast moving water would be a tad beyond me.

Probably better that I stick to safer pursuits like stamp collecting or scrabble.

I have an admiration for surfers though, well most of them, some of them are a bit stroppy -  like the bloke who told me the next time I drop in on him he'd slash my floaties. Ironic really - I'd actually nodded off on my board in the shallows and drifted out. The only decent wave I've ever caught and I was snoring.

Surfers in general though exude that healthy lifestyle and laid back attitude that I admire. Bronzed demigods and goddesses, who smell of salt and coconuts and say cool things like "If it swells, ride it" and "totally tubular dude". They can be a bit territorial though, who can forget Mick Fanning punching out a shark for invading his patch of water.

I guess it's like any other activity though - a surfer is only as good as his/her gear. Yep - another segue coming!

Redbill surf are a Tassie institution and their new Kingston store is chocked full of gear, clothes and accessories for Surfers, Skateboarders and Moto Cross.

They also have an awesome web site developed by Resilience Marketing.

Cowabunga dude - check it out below:

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